Work-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries Are a Major Problem in Kentucky
July 26,2024
As most of us in Eastern Kentucky coal country are well aware, work can be a dangerous place. When an injury in the workplace leads to brain damage, the effects can be devastating and life-changing, since the brain controls all our bodily and mental functions. Brain injuries can produce changes in personality, intellect, creativity, and memory, and severe injuries can lead to paralysis, inability to communicate, coma, or death...
How Do You Determine Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?
June 07,2024
After a car crash, one of the first things that will need to be determined is who caused it. How do you determine who is at fault in a car accident? Depending on the circumstances of the accident, it might be quite obvious, but in other situations, determining who was at fault can be complicated. Determining fault is important because insurance companies and juries will look at fault when awarding a settlement amount. Whe...
Bicyclist Fatalities Continue to Rise, and Why
June 07,2024
Many years ago, it was primarily children who rode bicycles, and most of those killed in bike crashes were kids. But in the past 30 years, bike riding has become more of an adult activity: biking for fitness, as a daily commute to and from work, and running errands close to home. Unfortunately, bicycle riders are extremely vulnerable on roads filled with heavier vehicles that are traveling much faster and, according to the Na...
What to Do When a Car Accident is Not Your Fault
June 07,2024
Car accidents are commonplace throughout Kentucky, and many of them are caused by the reckless, careless, or negligent actions of other people. If you were injured in a car crash, you are likely to feel upset, confused, and unsure of what to do next. However, it is extremely important to take steps to protect yourself and show that the car accident was not your fault, as this determination will affect the compensation for any ...
When Does a Car Accident Become a Personal Injury Claim?
June 07,2024
After a serious car accident, injuries and property damage can be substantial, leaving victims dealing with mounting medical and hospital bills at a time they may be unable to work. When the accident is caused by the negligence or fault of another party, you should be entitled to receive compensation through an insurance settlement or a personal injury lawsuit. But how do you know when a car accident becomes a personal injury ...