Millennials are likely tired of hearing critical generalizations such as “technology has spoiled you on instant gratification,” “you take too many selfies; all you care about is how you look,” “stop looking at your phone,” and similar remarks. However, the amount of time millennials spend with their cell phone has some basis in science. According to one survey, almost 40% of those aged 18 to 34 said they interact with their phone more frequently than they interact with another human. In fact, that age group makes up only 29% of the population, yet is the reason for 41% of cell phone usage in this country. Nearly 50% of millennials sincerely believe they could not live without their phones.
When it comes to driving and cell phone habits, millennials are overwhelmingly more likely to use their cell phone behind the wheel than any other age group. Failing to appreciate the danger, many of them even think that it’s perfectly okay to do so. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently surveyed 2,511 drivers and found that 88% of the 19- to 24-year olds reported taking risks within the prior 30 days while operating a vehicle. To be more specific:
- 59.3% of millennials admitted that they typed or sent texts or email while driving, compared to 31.4% of other age groups.
- Almost half ran a red light, even if they knew they could have stopped safely, compared to 36% of other age groups
- Approximately 12% of millennials said that it’s safe to speed in a school zone 10 mph over the limit, versus 5% of other age groups.
Maybe it’s because there are more vehicles on the road, more
distractions, or even lax attitudes about the responsibilities of driving that are to blame for the fact that the number of traffic deaths rose 7% in 2015, which was the biggest one-year increase in the last fifty years. While
cell phone use and risk-taking while driving is most common among millennials, they aren’t the only ones who engage in these behaviors, as the statistics clearly show. One cannot rule out the possibility that some of them may see this kind of behavior in older people and learn from their role models that it’s permissible.
The average adult checks their phone 30 times a day, while the average millennial does so more than 150 times a day. Texting and emailing aren’t the only temptations. Mobile phones are a treasure trove of distractions, including checking social media, surfing the Internet, video chatting, playing games, posting selfies, and using apps like Snapchat or Pokémon Go. When someone’s mind is focused on these activities, it’s impossible to sufficiently concentrate on a task as demanding and dangerous as driving. In fact, approximately
one-quarter of all car wrecks are due to driving while distracted by a cell phone.
If you have been injured in a
Kentucky vehicle accident involving a
distracted driver, or if you have any questions about this topic, you can find out more by discussing it with one of the personal injury attorneys at the
Johnson Law Firm. We have years of experience helping people, and we can help you. Based in Pikeville, KY, we proudly serve communities throughout the Bluegrass State. Contact us by calling 1-855-433-7534 or filling out
our online form.
Attorney Billy Johnson
William “Billy” Johnson grew up in the Dorton area of Pike County, Kentucky, and early on decided to stay in the beautiful Appalachian mountains. Like many others in Eastern Kentucky, Billy’s dad worked as a coal miner, a hard job but one that taught his son how to meet challenges head on and persevere. Attorney Billy Johnson has years of experience helping injured clients with claims such as car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, work injuries, and more. [ Attorney Bio ]