Injury & Accident Lawyer in Pikeville KY

Kentuckians Rank Too High on List of Aggressive Driving

June 18,2018

A sad event: Kentucky drivers have landed in the Top Ten states with the most aggressive drivers, according to a recent study. The smartphone app GasBuddy released a study a couple of weeks ago finding that Kentucky ranks as the ninth highest state where aggressive driving is a problem. They point out that aggressive driving is the quickest way to waste gas, lower mileage by as much as 40 percent, and cause more frequent t...

As the Weather Heats Up, Remember How Hot Your Car Can Get

June 11,2018

As a parent, you want to keep your children safe when they're in the car. But one of the hidden risks is for a child to be accidently, thoughtlessly left (or trapped) in a hot car. An average of 37 kids die from being in a hot car each year in the U.S., according to the National Safety Council’s (NSC) partner in preventing this danger, San Jose University meteorologist Jan Null, who studies heatstroke cases. Not counti...

Disturbing Trend in Keyless Cars – Carbon Monoxide Poisoning  

June 04,2018

Since 2006, nearly 30 people in the U.S. have died of carbon monoxide poisoning by their keyless-ignition vehicle.  Apparently, the victims mistakenly believed they had turned off the car, but the vehicle was left running in the garage, according to an investigative report by The New York Times. Dozens of others have been injured in similar incidents, and some were left with severe brain damage. From news reports, civil ...

Could This Negligence Lead to an Airline Catastrophe?

May 14,2018

On some budget airline flights in the U.S, something smells fishy -- and it’s not the in-flight meals. It's aircraft maintenance and what appears to be, at the very least, lax oversight by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Some even go so far to imply outright collusion and attempts to bury the problem at the FAA, and a Florida Senator is calling for a full-blown investigation of the matter. At the center of t...

Work Zone Crashes Have Increased in KY

May 07,2018

With roadway construction season kicking off again this spring, Kentucky highway work zones are high-risk areas, not only for road crew members, but for vehicle drivers and their passengers. Kentucky highway officials and law enforcement are hoping to avoid a repeat of the sudden 33 percent jump in accidents that killed 12 motorists in work zones last year.  Curiously enough, of those 12 lost lives, 11 were motorists and...

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