When you’ve been in an accident caused by someone else, you are confronted by a decision pretty early on about whether you should handle your injury claim yourself or hand it to a lawyer.
Some of you might even know someone who works (or has worked) in the legal or insurance professions and is happy to “help” you. That’s all well and good if your doctor has given you a clean bill of health after a thorough exam. It might even be a fine idea if the value of any damage to your property is a small amount. But beyond that, you should think carefully on this decision because it could have a profound effect on how things turn out. Here are a few compelling reasons for hiring a seasoned personal injury lawyer after you’ve suffered an injury through someone else’s carelessness.
Investigations team:
Any personal injury lawyer has a team of professional investigators with experience in specialized areas. They examine accident scenes, pore over detailed records, and deftly interview witnesses to learn everything about your case. The defendant’s insurance company has their investigative team. Without a lawyer, how are your sleuthing skills?
When you’re laid-up or your injured child is suffering, it’s very easy to feel angry, frustrated and fearful about what could happen. Do you really need to be making important decisions in this frame of mind? Attorneys, on the other hand, remain impartial and above the fray. Let’s say the bills are beginning to mount and the insurance company offers a lowball amount for damages. You might be tempted to take it and regret the move later, while your attorney knows it may be in your best interest to wait for a more appropriate offer.
Someone else does the paperwork:
Intricate legal procedures, perplexing medical terms, and reams of paperwork plague any personal injury case. A seasoned lawyer’s legal team has experience in preparing the paperwork required to resolve your claim. All you have to do is hand it to your lawyer and it’s behind you.
Experience With Insurance Companies (and their lawyers):
Personal injury attorneys work with insurance companies every day and aren’t confused or intimidated by their tactics; a lawyer knows how to resist adjusters’ pressure to settle quickly but for a “lowball” amount. They also know how to deal with insurance attorneys, which is important in the “discovery” portion of a trial – if it gets that far – when both parties exchange facts and documents.
Best Settlements:
The fact of the matter is that maybe five percent of all personal injury cases go to trial. The rest are negotiated. In truth, you insurance claim is a high-stakes version of “Let’s Make a Deal.” But the “prize” (fair compensation) is
far from a game. Your family’s financial survival hangs in the balance. You get only one bite at the compensation “apple,” because, when you accept the check, you sign away your right to ask for more damages later. Astute personal injury attorneys know how to negotiate a settlement on behalf of a client that is just, fair, and meets their needs without their having to see the inside of a courtroom.
(And for extra credit)Favorable Verdicts:
If your claim falls in that five percent that goes to trial, a well-seasoned personal injury lawyer zealously represents you in court to win the best possible jury (or judicial) verdict for you. This involves developing a legal strategy designed to help you win all compensation available for your injuries, and then getting it done!
If the prospect of butting heads with an insurance company after an accident has no appeal, the Johnson Law Firm understands your aversion and can help if you contact us at 606-437-4488, or fill out this online form to arrange a confidential and free consultation. If we don’t win, you owe us nothing.
Attorney Billy Johnson
William “Billy” Johnson grew up in the Dorton area of Pike County, Kentucky, and early on decided to stay in the beautiful Appalachian mountains. Like many others in Eastern Kentucky, Billy’s dad worked as a coal miner, a hard job but one that taught his son how to meet challenges head on and persevere. Attorney Billy Johnson has years of experience helping injured clients with claims such as car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, work injuries, and more. [ Attorney Bio ]