When the Holidays Come to a Parking Lot Near You

When the Holidays Come to a Parking Lot Near You

December 12,2016

The holiday season is a flurry of activity that can test even the most joyful spirit. We all find ourselves rushing here and there to get a tree, attend a party, get pictures with Santa, visit with loved ones, or shop for the best deal while trying to keep up with the demands of daily life. This means more time in the car than usual, more traffic to contend with, more patience in jammed parking lots. As the number of vehi...

Understanding Comparative Fault

November 07,2016

Sometimes confused with the delicious cake called a “torte,” a “tort” is a broad legal term for a wrongful act that causes injury. Negligence is one of the main types of torts and includes areas such as traffic accidents, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and slips or falls. A key part of any tort action revolves around fault, and the method for assigning responsibility varies from state to state under four basi...

Don’t Snap and Drive

October 26,2016

Would you believe that a survey of 665 motorists found that 5.6 percent of both genders admitted to changing their clothes while behind the wheel, and 5.5 percent of men and 2.1 percent of women admitted to shaving while driving? Such behavior certainly falls under the label of distracted driving, which contributes to 16 percent of all fatal crashes every year. In fact, it has been estimated that drivers spend more than 5...

Motorists and Back to School Safety

August 31,2016

With school back in session throughout the Bluegrass State, it’s time to remind drivers about safety in school zones, around school buses, and near pedestrians. Despite annual calls for caution, there are serious accidents every year. In 2015, there were over 850 school bus-related crashes in Kentucky, resulting in 297 injuries and three deaths. Motor vehicle safety and pedestrian awareness are always important, but p...

The Myth of Multitasking Leads to Distracted Driving Accidents

August 03,2016

Abner Doubleday invented baseball. St. Patrick was Irish. Bats are blind. George Washington had wooden teeth. All of these common ideas are myths, widely-held beliefs that are actually false. And, according to the National Safety Council (NSC), here’s another: Motorists can use a cell phone while driving without affecting their abilities. Rather, the human brain cannot do two things at the same time, which is at least on...

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