Halloween is right around the corner. Here at The Johnson Law Firm in Pikeville, KY, we are devoted to keeping our Kentucky families safe not only on Halloween, but every day of the year.
Halloween brings lots of exciting opportunities:
- choosing, making, or buying costumes
- planning Halloween parties
- going to haunted houses
- decorating the house frightfully
- anticipating bags full of delectable candy.
But in the midst of all the fun, we encourage parents to make safety a top priority this Monday, October 31, 2016.
That said, Halloween can be a frightening time, and not just because of the ghosts and goblins. Children have a higher chance of getting injured this night, with causes ranging from the wearing of ill-fitting costumes to being a victim of a motorist or drunk driver.
According to data from the National Center for Statistics and Analysis and reported by State Farm, Halloween was the deadliest day for child fatalities during the 1990 to 2010 time period. This data revealed that
115 child pedestrians (under the age of 18) were killed on Halloween during these years.
Take into account the following Halloween safety tips to ensure that your Halloween is safe and enjoyable for both you and your children.
Ensure Your Child’s Halloween Costume is Safe
To help your child become more visible to motorists when they trick-or-treat, place reflective tape on their costume. Ask your child to carry glow sticks or a flashlight, and choose light, brightly colored costumes if possible.
Be sure that your child’s costume fits properly. Loose fitting, overly long, or bulky costumes can restrict your child’s safe movement and lead to slips and falls. Any accessories, such as swords, should be flexible and blunt.
If your child’s costume comes with a mask, be sure that it does not restrict his or her vision, including side vision. Consider using face painting instead of a mask.
Last but not least, ensure that your child’s costume is made out of flame-retardant material, as burn injuries are also seen by emergency departments on Halloween.
Establish Safety Guidelines to be Followed During Trick-or Treating
Instruct your children to stay on sidewalks when trick-or-treating in Kentucky. If your neighborhood has no sidewalks, children should walk on the left side of the street facing traffic.
Remind children that they must always look left, then right, then left again before crossing a street, in addition to always crossing at street corners. All children should WALK, not run, as they trick-or-treat.
Young children under the age of 12 should be accompanied by an adult as they trick-or-treat. Teens should trick-or-treat in groups if not with an adult, and visit only homes that are well-lit. Children should never go inside a garage or home when trick-or-treating, even if invited.
Examine Halloween Treats
First and foremost, instruct your child not to “taste” any candy while trick-or-treating. They should wait until the return home to eat any of their treats.
Examine all treats for tampering before letting your child eat them. Signs of tampering may be an unusual color, tears in the candy wrappers, or even tiny pinholes. Discard anything that looks suspicious, and consider notifying Kentucky authorities. In addition, throw away anything that isn’t commercially wrapped unless you know and trust where it came from.
Check the types of treats received for choking hazards. This may include things like hard candy, peanuts, gum, or small toys.
Monitor the amount of treats your child eats so as not to get a tummy ache.
Remember, kids are excited on Halloween, regardless of their age. They may forget to take safety precautions in the midst of the excitement, so it’s up to you as a parent to pull them aside and calmly discuss Halloween safety. The Johnson Law Firm of Kentucky, wishes everyone a safe and spooky Halloween.
Attorney Billy Johnson
William “Billy” Johnson grew up in the Dorton area of Pike County, Kentucky, and early on decided to stay in the beautiful Appalachian mountains. Like many others in Eastern Kentucky, Billy’s dad worked as a coal miner, a hard job but one that taught his son how to meet challenges head on and persevere. Attorney Billy Johnson has years of experience helping injured clients with claims such as car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, work injuries, and more. [ Attorney Bio ]